Get access to all debt portfolios on the market in one place

Don't waste time searching for debt portfolios. You will find everything you need on the BidFinance Platform.

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“Every buyer gets access to debt portfolios tailored to their own needs. We will provide the necessary documentation for portfolio valuation via secure VDR and provide a tool for effective communication with Sellers.”

Piotr Szaciłło

Country Manager, BidFinance Poland

How does BidFinance work for buyers?

Join the platform (1 day)

Joining the platform and get access to debt portfolios and valuation documents free of charge. Each registered buyer receives notifications about future auctions and decides whether to participate in them.

Select a debt portflio and price it (7-30 days)

The buyer receives access to the portfolio and all necessary information for its valuation, including the characteristics of the portfolio, information about its properties, sample documentation and a draft of the assignment agreement.

The buyer has 10-15 days to analyse it.

Take part in the auction (15 min - 2 h)

At the time defined by the seller, the auction begins and any buyer allowed to participate in the auction may bid/place bids.

The type of auction and the duration of the auction are determined by the seller.

Formalize the agreement

After the auction ends, the seller selects the best offer and contacts the buyer directly to finalize the agreement.

Do you have any questions?

We are at your disposal and will be happy to answer any questions.

Piotr Szaciłło

Country Manager, Polska

Benefits for Buyers

Full access to portfolios and valuation documentation

We provide access to various portfolios and access to VDR with documentation necessary for portfolio valuation.

Portfolio alignment and effective communication

We inform you about portfolios tailored to the buyer's needs. We ensure clear communication through public Q&A.

Access to knowledge of the debt portfolio market

Take part in auctions and gain access to market data that will help you make wise purchasing decisions.