Do you have any questions? We have the answers.
General questions
What is BidFinance?
BidFinance to platforma do sprzedaży i zakupu portfeli wierzytelności. Wykorzystując metodę aukcji internetowej pozwala spotkać się zarówno Sprzedającym jak i Kupującym w jednym miejscu. To narzędzie, które dzięki transparentności, prostocie i szybkości działania wspiera obie strony w procesie sprzedaży oraz zakupu wierzytelności zapewniając jednocześnie bezpieczeństwo wymiany informacji.
What does the registration process on the platform look like?
- Wprowadź swoje dane na stronie Rejestracji i wypełnij dane na następnej stronie;
- Zweryfikuj podany adres e-mail (otrzymasz e-mail; sprawdź folder Spam, jeśli wiadomości nie ma w Twojej skrzynce odbiorczej);
- Pobierz wymagane dokumenty, wypełnij je, podpisz i wyślij na adres documents@bidfinance.pl.
What does the process of selling a portfolio on the platform look like?
- Sprzedający wysyła prośbę o zamieszczeniu aukcji na Platformie;
- Zespół BidFinance analizuje portfolio, tworzy strategie sprzedaży razem ze Sprzedającym, konfiguruje aukcje i wysyła do zatwierdzenia przez Sprzedającego;
- Sprzedający zatwierdza skonfigurowaną aukcję i publikuje ją;
- BidFinance aktywnie prowadzi przedsprzedaż portfela na rynku;
- Kupujący wyceniają portfel;
- Aukcja (Angielska aukcja albo Hybrydowa aukcja);
- Sprzedawca dostaje 3 oferty i akceptuje jedną z nich.
Do you have any references from the market?
Tak, kliknij link, aby zobaczyć referencje.
Dla sprzedających
How to create an auction?
Step 1: in the Menu on the left, press Create auction;
Step 2: Enter the working name (working name visible only to you and the Platform administrator);
Step 3: Attach the register
Step 4: Press "Send for verification"After sending the register, we will contact you and we will discuss all the issues needed to publish the auction. After the admin configures the auction, the seller receives the auction for verification and publishes it.
Which buyers will participate in the auction?
The seller decides which buyers will be allowed to evaluate the portfolio and participate in the auction. After the auction is configured by the Platform administrator, the Seller approves the list of Buyers who will participate in the auction.
How can I control the auction?
The seller can see the following information:
- Downloads/views: list of companies that have downloaded/viewed the portfolio or part of it;
- All bids: list of companies that have set bids (bidding in current auctions or automatic starting bids);
- Summary of all bids submitted.
What happens after the auction?
After the auction ends, the Seller receives the 3 highest bids for the portfolio and for each part of the portfolio. After accepting one of the offers, the Seller waits for Official Confirmation from the Buyer. After accepting the Official Confirmation, the Seller receives the Buyer's contacts.
Dla kupujących
What documents will I receive for portfolio valuation?
For the wallet valuation, you will receive the register itself, a wallet characteristics file (summary of wallet information), a payment history file, sample documentation, etc. If you need other documents, you can ask the Seller for them via public Q&A. Portfolio valuation documents are located on each wallet or part wallet in the Documents tab.
How much time do I have to evaluate my portfolio?
All auctions published on the Platform are listed in Upcoming Auctions. We generally post an auction in Upcoming Auctions 10-16 days before the actual start of the auction. Buyers have these 10-16 days to evaluate their portfolios. Each upcoming auction has a timer showing when the auction will start.
How long does the auction last? How can I extend the auction?
The bidding lasts from 15 to 60 minutes (the Seller has determined the duration of the auction). Each buyer has the right to a one-time extension of the auction by 15 minutes. If buyers increase their bid in the last 2 minutes of the auction, it will be extended by another 2 minutes.
How does buy now work?
The Buy Now rate is set by the Seller and is visible to Buyers.
If you want to buy the wallet at the Buy Now price:
1. Tap on the Buy Now price
2. Press the "Bid" button (hammer)
If the Buyer purchases the portfolio at the Buy Now price, the auction will close and the Seller will receive only one offer.
How can I make a bid?
You can bid in three ways:
- Press the hammer - this way you will place an offer, increasing the current price by one step (minimum required bid step).
- Enter the rate manually - just enter the amount and press the hammer.
- Set a maximum automatic bid – the platform will bid on your behalf up to a certain amount. Setting an automatic bid is only possible from the upcoming auction level. This cannot be done while the auction is in progress. Manual bid increase during the current auction permanently disables the automatic bid.
How do I set my maximum auto bid*?
Ordered listAfter pricing your portfolio, you can set an automatic maximum bid. The platform will bid on your behalf, increasing the current price by one minimum increment.
To set your maximum auto bid:
Step 1: Turn on auto bidding, you will see the auto bidding settings;
Step 2: Set the maximum bid by pressing "+" and "-" or enter it manually;
Step 3: Tap "Apply".
We are here to help you
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Contact usStart buying and selling debts with us
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Regon: 522206447
ul. Kącik 4,
30-549 Kraków
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